Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Hello and welcome to my blog for A Tooth For Tilly!  A Tooth For Tilly is a book for baby to preschool ages. It is about a baby snail named Tilly who wants her very first tooth. Tilly wants to be able to enjoy all the foods her older sister can eat, but cannot just yet without her tooth. Through her mother’s comfort and kind words, she learns that with patience and time her tooth will grow!
This book was written by my Mom for her granddaughters and for all babies and parents who go through the journey of teething. She asked if I would create the illustrations and I thought it would be a great way to teach myself about illustrating.  I decided to start this blog for fun to document and share some of the process of how I created the illustrations, along with some of my experience with self-publishing through Blurb, making a Pubit book through Barnes and Noble and a Kindle book through Amazon.
If you’re interested in A Tooth For Tilly you can find it here:

Or check out the posts below!  :)

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